About Us
Most Trusted Business Consulting Firm
As firm believers in Sudan potential growth, we established our first office in Sudan, we have representatives in UAE, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. We have knowledge networks and great database of subject matter experts in all domains all over the world. Our idea was to bring all our collective knowledge to homeland and invest our time in our homeland potential.
20 Years Professional Experience
Vision Realms has more than 20 years of experience of taking assignments where we have expertise to perform, parting with clients to ensure success and value by measure success results and confirm its returns.
We provide you with high quality
business consulting
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Frequently asked questions
Most Asked Questions
Frequently asked question by our clients/friends.
We help companies get ready to raise capital. This usually consists of some or all of the following services:
Of course not. Nobody can make that guarantee (and if somebody ever makes that guarantee, it’s a good idea to run away quickly). A good plan is essential, but a plan alone will not get funded. Although we will do our best to help you prepare, we have no control over how well you present yourselves to investors, or how well you answer their questions. We can coach and we can mentor, but at the end of the day, it’s your business and you must close the deal.
The length of time of a business consulting project varies and based on a number of factors including:
The length of our consulting engagements has varied from a few weeks for a quick training assessment to a few years for enterprise change management and business transformation initiatives.
Our offices are in United Arab Emirates, Dubai.
Drop Us a Message
Let us know about your business thoughts, and allow us to make it happen for you!
Ready to Start Your Project ?
Book an appointment with us today, tell us about your business, and allow us to skyrocket it for you!
Take our helping hands to grow up your business revenue superiorly and enhance your existing work performance.
Vision Realms enables your business vision.